5 of 52 - 52 Portrait Project

12:36 PM

"A portrait of my family, once a week, every week, in 2013"

Wow, is it really already the 5th week? that can't be right.

Jax: Has been such a little boy lately. The conversations these kids have with each other and with us - it's funny, surprising and sometimes a little shocking - they really are growing up!

Raima: Her personality has been coming out full force lately. She is a goofball and will perform when you ask her to. She loves to make you smile and laugh. She also likes to bug her big brother and start a whining contest. I need to start transitioning her out of our bed and into sharing a room with Jax...sigh..growing up, I tell ya..growing up...

So, let's see what else.. lots going on in the Wagner household. Ok, not really. I did our taxes, that's one thing that is done and DONE! A couple of years ago we got a really big refund, which yes is great and all but in actuality not really. That means you've given your money up for a free loan to the government during the year, when really you could of kept more of your money throughout that year for yourself instead. If you ever get a large refund, you should probably adjust your W4 witholdings - but hey, I'm not a tax expert or a CPA - so take my not real advice with a grain of salt. After that refund, I made sure to adjust our W4s - we still did get a refund but not a huge one. At first when I was doing it (I use turbo tax, by the way) it said I owed money - YIPES!

So, it's SUPER BOWL SUNDAY!! And the San Francisco 49ers are in it! In case you were wondering..so you bet we will be watching - we would not be SF Bay area folk if we didn't. We had been invited to a couple of kid friendly parties which was great. we at first were going to go to our friends who we helped celebrate their son's first birthday - and where I got to take lots of photos! YAY! but then we got invited to another one and these folks we hadn't seen in well over a year! their littlest isnt so little anymore and well it was also closer..so, yeah, i know, im lame. sorry for not typing this out using correct capitalization but im nursing as i type this so..it will have to do.

What else? Oh yeah, so I have some photo session clients lined up - and I am SUPER EXCITED!! Some birth photography and a family session! WOOT! And it was all because of me taking the leap of faith and ignoring my fears and reaching out to people I knew. I really owe it to Nova Midwifery (who were my midwives for both of my kids homebirths) who posted on their facebook page about my photography stuff. SO THANK YOU THANK YOU!!

I guess I may owe them another baby to catch...just kidding..

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