Friday Perspective - Slow Down

10:20 AM

Often, when I am reading blogs, as I do on a daily basis, I will easily start to feel a little inadequate (ok, a lot inadequate) as I compare myself to these wonderful mothers, their children, their homes and their lives. I start to narrowly take a look at my life and think, why can't my life be like that? how can it be like that?

I wish my house was constantly spotless, but I will settle for tidy (in most areas).  I wish my children would listen to what I say the first time around, but I will settle for following my directions after the third (or fourth or fifth) try. I wish I was more fashionable, but I will settle for (the appearance of) pulled together, at least on 3 out of 5 work days. I wish things came easier to me and that frustrations would roll off of me as if I had been practicing zen Buddhism for years, but I will settle for being mindful and quiet when I am challenged and understand that it is OK to sometimes walk away from a situation to gain a better perspective.

In a world where we tell our children and ourselves to never settle, sometimes we should do just that (not in everything but in some things).  We tell our children to embrace their individuality.. We try and tell our children to not compare themselves to others and to find in themselves that they are complete and beautiful creatures. Strange how it is much more difficult to embrace my own snippets of (supposed) wisdom as if I somehow don't have anything to learn as well, because I am the adult, I should know better. But the truth is, I sometimes don't. No one is perfect, and if they tell you they are, they're lying and or have a wait staff to help with everything.

It's hard to slow down in our fast paced world. I know I am guilty of this rush rush rush mentality and I can become easily frustrated (with my kids and or husband especially). If I could just remember to stop (collaborate and listen..crap, I mean), take a breath, slow down and be patient, things will seem easier and become simpler. Anyway, I want to slow down a bit more, stop and smell the roses as they say, enjoy the present....

source: Volan in the Sky

Happy Birthday to you mom. I think of you always. You would have been 57 years old and a grandmother of two. One who is named after you, Corazon. Befitting that she has my heart.

My mom always had time to call you, and I don't mean just her children..she always had the time for you. I know, she was a mom so its a given right? I never understood it until I became a mother myself and was fully immersed in it all, the duties, the really is sometimes a thankless job. It's something that I regret to this day...not thanking her enough, not seeing how aside for her being a mom to me, she was someone's daughter, a wife, a sister, a friend - she was an individual and I was just..being a kid (even until my twenties). Oh the fights we would have. Anyway, I don't dwell much on the negatives but I see it and I think of them only to learn from them, since I have a daughter now. Especially because I have a daughter now.

Mom at her 52nd Birthday
Anyway..MOM - you were (and are) a wonderful mother - don't let anyone tell you have taught me so much, even now..HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!

My mom when she was little - middle girl, age approx. 6?
Mom in her high school or college days? - left picture she is the one on the end at right.
Mom & me circa 1979-80?
Mom & me - aged 14, the 90's can't you tell by my swatch watch!

 Happy Friday to you all...big weekend this is, isn't it? Halloween festivities!

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  1. I hear you girl!! But we do what we do best!
    Happy Birthday to your Mom! She would be so proud of you and your beautiful children, actually I am sure she is!
    Hope you have a wonderful Friday and a great weekend!

  2. Great post! Total feel you on feeling inadequate, and trying to accept the beauty in life! I lost my mother too and wished I'd thanked her more. It's definitely not an easy job! And I'm sure she knows, as my mom does that she was loved and so very much appreciated!!!

  3. Great post. I know I've felt this way far too many times to count. Blah! I'm sharing this post tomorrow on my Link Love on a Sunday series. :)

  4. Beautiful post about your mother. :)
    Dropping by from the blog hop. :)

  5. Wonderful post and a great perspective.

    Thank you for linking to Raising Imperfection!

  6. What a beautiful post!

    Thank you for linking your favorite post to Raising Imperfection Sunday Link Up! Please come back Friday to see if you were featured :)


  7. I totally understand. I am SO envious of the mamas who have time to craft. I honestly don't know how they do it. I thought staying at home was going to be SO much easier than it is...I guess if I wait two years, when I have two kiddos in school it will be easier...wait another year and the two will be in full day school...want three years after that and I'll be home free! No more kiddos at home!

    Thank you for linking up with Super Sunday Sync this week. Hope to see you next week!


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