Saturday Shenanigans

10:23 PM

He loves helping wipe stuff up, so as long as he gets to use the "spray spray"
Lounging in the front room {reading/music room}
flying away in his sister's butterfly costume {tv/family room - was the formal dining rm}
Don't mind the crap behind Jax - all stuff to be donated
Raima's sock puppet as an actual sock on Jax - his idea, he asked where the other one was
sitting at the "big" kids table
I am a robot - one of Jax's possible costumes {not finished!}
The motorized toy car was a gift fr. my Dad - he got it for $50!

SO much to do this weekend, so very little per usual. Saturday was jammed packed. A trip to the grocery store, a trip to the City (that's San Francisco, for you non bay area-ers) to see some friends and then home to make something for the Halloween potluck for my old mom's group. We were late, as per usual :).

Tomorrow we have another Halloween potluck, for Jax's daycare. This time it's my turn to make something..but eh, I might just save myself the trouble and by something.

I have been meaning to get around to a lot of stuff this weekend - crafts, job/resume stuff, cleaning (who am I kidding? really I mean tidying..)laundry, essential blog stuff (results from the
online blog con I "attended" and returning the favors of everyone else who had attended) oh and far, none of it has gotten done. I haven't even begun to scratch the surface! (YIPES)

If you are new here, thank you so much for stopping by! Please take a look around and maybe leave a comment so I can check your blog out? I have found so many new blogs, thru hops, link parties and the blog con. It's been great!

I hope you all are having a wonderful weekend...ugh, its almost Sunday, already..oh Sunday, how I love you and hate you...

If you are in the bay area and looking for some Halloween festivities, check out these sites - if you are in {the 510} area or {all of SF Bay Area} .

Also, I stumbled upon this blog (twice now, and I can't remember how I got there the first time, but when I saw this photo - I knew I had been there before, or maybe it was from instagram? anyway...) - I loved this entry not because of what had happened (that sucked what happened) but by how she wrote about it - it was honest and I liked the little snippets - the ketchup thing (TOTALLY! That's MY kid too) and the whole skipping..oh forget just go read it yourself, I'm totally ruining it.

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  1. Thanks for popping over to my blog :) Love the butterfly costume! x

  2. Love the pictures!! My son likes wiping things up too :)

  3. I'm pretty jealous of the amount of natural light you have pouring into your home. Is it wrong that I'm hoping this storm will finally knock over the pine tree that's blocking our front window?


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