Motherhood, Music & Mondays

7:30 AM

Well hello Monday, nice of you to come around again. Who am I kidding? I hate my Mondays..I would have had today off though but switched with my co-worker for Friday last week off because he needed today for some important appointment. Or so he said. He's probably in Vegas for all I know. 

Anyway, I'm typing this in the dark, and only using the glow of the TV and the laptop's screen to light up the keyboard and am possibly going blind because of it. Raima has finally fallen asleep on the couch to the right of me without holding me hostage. An update on Raima - She's finally choosing to walk all the time rather than resort to crawling because it was faster. If she falls down, she quickly gets back up and keeps on going. She was really funny today. Her personality is definitely coming through. Also, she clearly says Jax, whenever she hears his voice from a distance. Mostly when he's about to go down for bed or a nap and he's yelling in protest or yelling for one more hug and one more kiss (which we don't deny him of, but man can he come up with some hard to refuse excuses to not go to sleep just yet!) she will point in his direction and say - Jax? Jax? She doesn't even say mama.

So, it looks like grooveshark is still working on their stuff and I'm not able to share the playlist except for a link, so if you want to listen you can do so by going here. You will probably have to sign up though - but it's free. (I just figured out how to re-code to show my playlist to circumvent the widget problem, yipee!)

Music Mondays - #3 by tinyheat on Grooveshark

I'm glad this week is a short week and I can't wait to see my family and spend some time with them. But it looks like this will be our first year EVER having Thanksgiving dinner at a restaurant! We have always spent it at a family member's house and also worked hard in the kitchen for hours or even days before to prepare but since my grandfather's health and stay at the hospital (his breathing tube was removed and he is now breathing on his own!) no one has had time to prepare for the huge feast we usually have. I don't exactly know how I feel about that yet, since well, if we are spending Thanksgiving in a restaurant, then that means the restaurant staff is spending Thanksgiving at the restaurant so that we and other's can have their Thanksgiving? I don't really like that part.

Happy Monday everyone, and since this is Motherhood & Music Mondays - feel free to share your snippets of motherhood (advice, humor, support, struggles) and or a music playlist, or new (or new to us) music you think we should check out! Thanks!

Also - remember there's the GFC Collective blog hop over here, every Monday:

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