Simple Saturdays

6:53 PM

The fabric finally came!
Books from my friend Cat for my birthday
Traffic into the City
Beautiful colors, not really depicted in this photo
Had lots of plans today but didn't get around to much. I've got this nasty head cold and ugh my head! So much pressure and my eyes feel like they need to be gouged out. It is not a good feeling.

This morning I gathered all the bottles and my pumping supplies to give to a good friend of mine who's expecting her first. I was kinda sad to be giving the more babies? :( At least for me, or for now, oh I don't know..

Took a much needed nap which helped a little and now we're late for a Halloween party in Pacifica. I kinda wish I was still in bed though, but I'm also starving and there will definitely be off we go as a greaser, a 50's wife, Batman and a butterfly..

(Excuse how this is- ramble ramble, I posted using my phone, while kids are screaming because we aren't moving. Ugh, headaches and traffic plus kids do not mix)

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