Toddler Tuesdays - Photos

7:00 AM

Just lots of photos for this Toddler Tuesday. Even though tomorrow is usually the photo laden post. Hope you guys are having a wonderful Tuesday! What do you guys usually do with your toddlers? What has been the most challenging for you and for your toddler? What has surprised you the most? I'll follow up with my answers on the next Toddler Tuesday! Hmm, maybe I'll do a linky thing for the Toddler Tuesday posts? day, one day..

If you're new here, please leave me a comment so I'll know to check your blog out and follow you back :) If not, that's ok too.


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  1. Great photos. Was he into all the exhibits?

  2. What a cutie! Thanks for linking up with the GFC collective blog hop! hope to see you again next week!

  3. Thanks! And @Sweet Lady, yes, he was into the exhibits but he was running wild and we didn't get to stay as long as we should have to see the Academy's full glory.

  4. that last picture is the best! what a handsome little guy!


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