Sponsor Spotlight {Mustache Mama}

6:00 AM

Heidi is one of my new bloggy friends, who blogs over at Mustache Mama, a Featured Sponsor. She is also the designer and creator of laWarrior, a handcrafted jewelry etsy store...She is an amazingly talented designer, blogger and mom! Recently I got a little chance to ask her a few questions that I thought you readers would enjoy (ok, it was mostly for me because well, I just really loved her style!). 

So without further ado, here's Heidi's answers:

Q: As a mom to 2 kiddos, how do you continue to be "stylish"?

A: I wouldn't say I have always been a "Stylish Mom". After I had my daughter, I was in such a rut! I hated getting dressed to go out, pretty much because I didn't fit into any of my "normal" clothes. I am going to be honest with you, I gained some weight with both my kids, and it didn't disappear the instant I had them! I rocked my maternity jeans for quite awhile after I had both of them. Grew my hair out very long (I have always had SHORT hair, so that was kind of different). I basically dressed to be comfortable, being as I was running after 2 little munchkins all day long. And I just prayed no one every looked at me or even recognized me for that matter. I really didn't like looking in the mirrors, I just wasn't ME! After I started losing a lot of my baby weight (which I am still fighting to do now and my youngest is almost 2) I decided it was time to start looking like my old self again! I bought things that made me feel good about myself, things that fell in to the category of "My Style" and not "Oh well this will hide me from the world!" I love buying clothes so much more now since becoming a mom. I guess what I am also trying to say is you don't have to sacrifice your style just because your are a mom, just be you! 

Q:What is your daily routine?

A: It really is never the same! LOL I have been trying to get up before my kids, who are usually up by 7 am, so I can get stuff done or not. Then it's breakfast, which I make every morning, usually eggs and fruit or pancakes/french toast. Then it's just kind of all over the place. There might be a nap for at least one munchkin and some outside time if the weather permits (its been super nice lately so we have been taking advantage of it). Snack time, lunch time... Some TV, yes I let them watch TV. If I plan it out I can usually get dinner in the Crock Pot in the morning so by the time my Hubs is home (5:30ish) we can all sit down to have dinner...Then it's family time, bath time and the kids are in bed by 8:30. Then it starts all over again the next morning, either in the same order or not, which most of the time it's not! LOL 

Q: How do you incorporate blogging into your routine?

A: I am still trying to figure that out. I have only been blogging since June of this year, so I am still working it into the daily routine. I am trying to get a lot of my blogging done in the morning before the kids wake up. But it's usually done while they are eating breakfast, napping, or after they go to bed... Still trying to work on that! 

Q: You are also a jewelry maker - how do you make time to work on it?

A: Just like the blogging, I find the time to squeeze it in. If my Hubs is home and not working on his projects, I have him watch the kids. That allows me to either get stuff made, take photos and edit them, list things on Etsy or anything else that needs to be done. I have been better about asking for his help, I use to think I could just do it all...But I can't :) 

Q: Any tips for other moms out there to keep up with their style and sanity?

A: Hmmm... I would just say be yourself I guess. I know that is hard when you are taking care of other little humans, but find the time to do those things you loved before becoming a mom. Whether its going for those jogs to clear your head, manicures and pedicure with your girlfriends, or even just a trip to the store. I am just now doing this, and I have to say I am so glad that I am. I love my little goobers, but I need that hour trip to the grocery store by myself just to clear my head. Your life isn't over, it's just begun so embrace it and make it work to your advantage! Also, DON'T BE AFRAID TO ASK FOR HELP!!!!! We are only human, so that extra helping hand can help out a TON!! I am so glad to have amazing family members and my husband who help me out constantly!! I thank them so much for that, otherwise I would have gone COO-COO!!! 

Thank you so much Heidi!! ..YES, I agree - don't be afraid to ask for help, speak up! (especially with your spouse - they can't read your mind, even though we'd like them to) and when people offer you help - TAKE IT!  Start following Heidi over at Mustache Mama! I love her tag line, "fashionably crafty and exceptionally sassy" LOVE IT.

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