Friday Perspective

7:00 AM

Hi Everyone, I want to thank you all for bearing with me on the re-design process and continuing to stop by and support my writing, dreams and creativity by reading this blog. You guys have helped me to get back to writing more frequently, which has started my creative juices flowing again. It also has given me the motivation to continue to better myself as well as to start taking care of myself more often, than not. These last few weeks that I have been writing more and trying to promote the blog, I've had the opportunity to meet new bloggers and moms out there, that I would not normally get to meet in real life. It's been great! THANK YOU BLOGOSPHERE. Each new comment and each follower boosts my little heart. So, I want to thank you all for that.

I hope to continue to get better at writing and posting by offering more topics and not just my words or pictures of my kids! Like little wardrobe feats (in reference to my post yesterday) and my upcoming, on the horizon, craft projects (in reference to this post). I also want to introduce Sponsor shout outs and spotlight posts as well as some tutorials on the blog , like some patternmaking/sewing projects and even little web design tutorials and a post with all the resources I use – but in the meantime, check out this design resource. Her code is responsible for that bunting over there to the right. Cute, right? So go check her out!

This coming Monday is my birthday. I haven’t really thought about doing anything in particular (I stopped really celebrating it after the big dirty thirty) but a good friend of mine had asked about doing some stuff and well, she took control and planned out a day for us. Isn’t that sweet?! She said to THINK BIG! Before she suggested that, I thought to do something easy, low key, something in the neighborhood..and then she texted me those very words – THINK BIG! Funny, how we tell our kids – to dream big, that they CAN do it, etc. etc.. yet, we don’t tell ourselves often enough, if at all, those same things.

Anyway, on Sunday, I guess we’re going to have lunch and get a mani pedi and do some window shopping! I’m excited! Oh, which means I should probably look into what neighborhood we should check out..Oh and we have a reunion get together on Saturday with our midwives! I can't wait to see them and meet the other families that they have helped and all the lil babies :)

Happy Friday Everyone, enjoy your weekend!

ps - there are still swap ad spots available, so go check it's FREE!

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