Currently {Link Up}

9:57 AM

Hi Everyone, HAPPY THANKSGIVING and welcome to another round of Currently, a link up with some great bloggers who share what we are currently up to. I hope you are all able to enjoy this time to be with family & friends and are able to enjoy and slow down a bit (ha, if you haven't spent time with my extended family, you know this is next to impossible!).

This week's theme is: HOPING, ENJOYING, INSPIRED BY, LISTENING TO, CRAVING (by the way, you don't have to follow this theme, you can just share what you or your kiddos, or your family is currently up to).

Currently..I am:

Hoping that my grandfather pulls thru and recovers. I visited him at the hospital as soon as we could when we arrived in LA. I cried, but everyone assured me that he looks so much better these days and that he is somewhat coherent. I held his hands, kissed his forehead and just tried to be calm and not let all my thoughts collide with each other.

Enjoying this time I have with my family. It's the reason why I love the holidays. For some reason, being with them has me realize how much I miss them so. And then of course, after awhile, well you know..I'm ready for our home life back in Oakland.

Inspired by some posts in the blogging community for varying reasons. Like here and here and here..Oh I could go on!

Listening (in my head) to a David Bowie song (from my playlist the other day).

Craving (and looking forward to) all the comfort food that comes with this holiday season. Except that it will be at a restaurant :(

What are you all currently up to? Come share and link up here. I'd really like to know! (Cause I'm nosey like that!)

So, I hope you all try and link up too or if you don't have a blog, simply comment and let me know what you are up to. THANKS!

(inspired by the letter W....for no specific reason)


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  1. fun post! keeping your grandfather in my thoughts and prayers :)


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