Get Outside! | Get Ready for Summer...Camps

7:05 AM

Is it Summer yet?! Coming up with activities may come easy for some, but for me they don't. So when I am all fresh out of indoor activity ideas, the best solution is to just get outside. So that is what we did.

It is so interesting to hear all the conversations the kiddos have with each other - some kids decided they wanted to play too because we had brought some toys {ok, my friend brought the toys - she's great like that..always thinking ahead!}. Some kids said they were making mac n cheese, other's say its sand and so on..after awhile though our kids wanted to just play among themselves...and then they pretended they were on the moon...and then also a couple of T-rex.

If you haven't yet signed your kids up for summer camps, then you should definitely check out Camp Galileo. Not only will they NOT run out of fun and education activities for your kids - your kids still get to play outside and take in the fresh air and continue to use their imagination.

Here are the super duper coupon codes to use when signing up your kids for an amazing summer experience. Use BEBOLD for $40 off and if you are in the bay area use my refer a friend code FRIEND2016 for an additional $25 off! {South bay folks - for even more savings - for Galileo Summer Quest Evergreen use 2016EVERGREENFRIEND for $75 off!! or for Camp Alamo use 2016ALAMOFRIEND - So that's a total of $115 off, what?!} Check out Camp Galileo's site for more promotional offers.

So what are you waiting for?

*This post is sponsored by Galileo Camps but the content and opinions expressed here are my own.

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