The Train to Christmas Town - A Holiday Train in Santa Cruz

8:20 PM

The Train to Christmas Town is coming!


“Train to Christmas Town” is coming to Santa Cruzfor the Holiday Season! Based on the just-published holiday book “The Train to Christmas Town” that tells the heartwarming tale of a young girl's journey to trust in the magic of Christmas through the support of family, friends and a host of characters, birds, a squirrel, elves and, of course, Santa Claus. The tale is about a little girl who looks forward to riding the Train to Christmas Town every year with her brother and Grandmother, but this year is a little different, as readers of the story already know. Accompanied by a bag full of surprises, woodland friends and jolly elves, Janice relives happy memories as she rides the train to Christmas Town once again.

See the story come to life as families ride the same train with Janice and her friends. The conductor will welcome you aboard and punch your ticket as you find your seat in the decorated train cars. Meet Bumblebee the Polar Bear, Wabash the Squirrel, even Zephyr the depot cat and laugh along with Elves while they’re busy serving cookies and cocoa, and leading guests in singing Christmas carols. Upon arrival at Christmas Town, Santa climbs on board and walks through the cars greeting each child with holiday cheerand his signature “Ho, Ho, Ho”

So, if your kids are anything like mine - they will LOVE this opportunity to ride on an actual train!! My kids really don't have any idea about Santa just yet, but I know my Jax loves him some trains! One of the best toys we have are his train sets. He can play with those all day long. Riding the steam trains in Tilden park is one of his favorites as is seeing the amtrak trains coming in at Jack London. Another favorite is to yell - ALL ABOARD!!

So get your tickets here or call 1-888-978-5562 to climb aboard!

Choice of miniature golf, laser tag, or 12 arcade tokens is included with Train to Christmas Town ticket price.

About the trains:

The Santa Cruz & Monterey Bay Railway is a subsidiary of Iowa Pacific Holdings, and operates freight and passenger train services on the Santa Cruz branch rail line extending from Watsonville to Davenport. Iowa Pacific operates holiday excursion and special event trains around the world and operates the passenger train in Machu Picchu, Peru (!).

Disclosure: I will be receiving free tickets for sharing this information with you. No other forms of compensation was received. As always, the thoughts and opinions are solely my own. But Jax really does LOVES trains! I'm excited to get to do this for him. I'll write up a review once we get our tickets and go. I'll let you know how the kiddos like it!

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  1. Oh I am so jealous. I've wanted to take this train to the redwoods. I had no idea they did a xmas theme. How fun! I look forward to seeing pictures!

  2. Have you taken the train ride yet? How would you review the ride for a 3 year old. We took the Christmas Train ride from Santa Cruz last year and were VERY DISAPPOINTED! We chugged up and back through the ugliest portion of Santa Cruz, saw very few Christmas decorations, but lots of homeless people. It was a very bad experience, so I want to be certain my 3 year old grandson will enjoy this "New Christmas Train Ride" in Santa Cruz and not see junk and transients along the tracks.

    1. We have not taken it yet, and actually we might not get a chance to, since during the time I signed up to do this review - it was before my grandfather was in the hospital. He has since passed away and the dates made available to us to experience the train ride will conflict with his memorial services.

      I'm sorry you were disappointed with your experience. If you are close to the area, I would suggest getting the route of the train and perhaps taking a look around that area before making the purchase. I know the tickets aren't cheap, so it should be worth it right? I would think it is the same route though, since it is only one train there - the redwood one? I think?? But let me ask this - was your grandson disappointed at all? Sometimes our expectations can be very different from that of a toddler. At least from my experience. My toddler gets excited when there is a tow truck - while I am stuck in traffic cursing that damn tow truck!

      Have you been to the steam trains in Berkeley? Not sure if they do a holiday theme though. My kid loves going there - and the animal farm.

      Good luck!

    2. I take that back - it looks like I was confusing the roaring camp railroads with this particular venture and it is not one and the same. It looks like it is just off of the boardwalk - so if you have been there in the past chances are it maybe about the same?? Maybe they've enhanced it this year? Not to sure. Sorry.


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